The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has invited more than 700 experts from 90 countries to participate in the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) as Coordinating Lead Authors, Lead Authors and Review Editors.
The Report will inform policymakers, international climate negotiators and other stakeholders about the latest knowledge on all aspects of climate change.
The bureaux of the three IPCC Working Groups selected the authors from 2858 experts representing 105 countries, following a call to governments and IPCC observer organisations for nominations. Working Group I is responsible for the physical science basis, Working Group II looks at impacts, adaptation and vulnerability and Working Group III covers mitigation of climate change.
“These author teams, drawn from the hundreds of excellent nominations the IPCC was fortunate to receive, provide us with the necessary expertise across a range of disciplines to conduct the assessment. I am gratified that we have also raised the proportion of women and scientists from developing countries involved in our work.” said IPCC Chair Hoesung Lee.
Joseph Mutemi will serve as Leading Author (LA) in WG I Chapter 4: Future global climate: scenario-based projections and near-term information; A.K.M. Saiful Islam in WG I Chapter 12: Climate change information for regional impact and risk assessment; Anders Levermann in WG I Chapter 9: Ocean, cryosphere and sea level change”; Tim Osborn will serve as Review Editor (RE) in WG I, Chapter 2: Changing state of the climate system.
Jeff Price will contribute as LA in WG II Chapter 2; Richard Betts in WG II Chapter 4: Water; François Gemenne in WG II Chapter 12: Climate change information for regional impact and risk assessment; Rachel Warren in WG II Chapter 16: Key risks across sectors and regions; Katja Frieler in WG II Chapter 16.
Jason Lowe will contribute as Review editor for WG III chapter 1: Introduction and Framing.
Richard Betts, HELIX Director: “It’s exciting and a great honour to be selected to serve as an Lead Author for a third time, and to move to a different topic area of “Water”. With a full-system approach being increasingly important for understanding climate change and how to respond, I look forward to assessing the literature on Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability from this perspective.”