Everyone is welcome to join this event at the University of Exeter hosted by the HELIX project on 4 October 2017.
Featuring a distinguished panel of project scientists and stakeholders, we invite you to hear about our findings and discuss what they could mean for our future. Our panel features the following expertise:
- Panel Chair: Dr Astrid Wissenburg, Director of Research Services, University of Exeter
- Mr Manuel Carmona Yebra, Policy Officer for Adaptation to Climate Change, European Commission
- Prof Richard Betts, Project Director, HELIX, University of Exeter, Met Office Hadley Centre
- Prof Ashvin Gosain, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi
- Dr Tania Osejo Carrillo, Climate Change Adaptation Consultant, United Nations World Food Programme
Venue: Alumni Auditorium, The Forum, Streatham Campus, University of Exeter.
The event will be live streamed via the HELIX Facebook and University of Exeter Facebook . The live stream will start a few minutes before the event takes place (19.30, 4 October 2017).
Further information and to Register