30 April 2016, Council Bhaban, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Climate change is a reality now and being demonstrated across the globe through various climate events. Warming up of our earth with gradual increase of temperature as forecasted by the scientific community is no longer a myth. Climate change beyond 2°C, 4°C and 6°C is to impact severely as a result of “extreme” events to be occurred in upcoming years. To address this problem, an initiative has been taken through the project “HELIX”. The High-End cLimate Impacts and eXtremes (HELIX) is a collaborative project funded by European Union, which started in November 2013, with sixteen participating institutions led by the Exeter University, UK. Assessment of climate change will be conducted in HELIX on a global scale under a range of physical and socio-economic condition with consideration of different adaptations scenarios. As a partner of HELIX, we will focus on South Asia(case study: Bangladesh) for the apprehended implications of higher-end scenarios beyond 2°C, 4°C and 6°C and possible warming of the world upon different bio-physical systems of the country like agriculture, water resources, ecology, infrastructure, health, socio-economy etc. In this stakeholder workshop, valued participants are expected to provide their important ideas, expectations and insights upon which this study will get valuable intellectual inputs for the way forward in the research process.