Deliverable 8.2 (CORDEX and CMIP5 Model Based Biophysical Impacts Assessment in Northern Hemisphere Sub-Sahara Africa) is available D8.2 CORDEX and CMIP5 Model Based Biophysical Impacts Assessment in Northern Hemisphere Sub-Sahara Africa
The pages below are only available to the Helix Climate researchers.
D9.2: Technical report detailing the results from the various existing impact assessments in Task CCT1b.2
Deliverable 9.2 (Technical report detailing the results from the various existing impact assessments in Task CCT1b.2) is available D9.2 Technical report detailing the results from the various existing impact
D2.5 Report and testing of improved IAM
Deliverable 2.5 (Report and testing of improved IAM) submitted on 31.10.2015 is available D2.5 Report and testing of improved IAM
D6.2 Minutes of Steering Committee
Deliverable 6.2 (Minutes of Steering Committee) submitted on 31.10.2015 is available D6.2 Minutes of Steering Committee Meeting, Jan 2014
D10.1 Characterisation of the social impacts and economic costs of passing tipping points
Deliverable 10.1 (Characterisation of the social impacts and economic costs of passing tipping points in the climate system in 2C, 47D and 6C scenarios over different time horizons with different levels of adaptation) is available D10.1 Characterisation of the social impacts and economic costs of passing tipping points
AAS Affiliates Program
Call for nominations for the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) Young Affiliates’ Program is now open. The Program looks to support young scholars, who are employed in Higher Education or Research Institutions who obtained their PhD within the last 5 years. Nomination procedures and details are available AAS Affiliates Program
D9.1 Report on Stakeholder workshop, South Asia
D9.1 Report on Stakeholder workshop, South Asia available HELIX 603864 D9.1 Stakeholder workshop report
D8.1 Stakeholder engagement workshop on user information needs, Northern Hemisphere Sub-Saharan Africa
D8.1 Stakeholder engagement workshop on user information needs, Northern Hemisphere Sub-Saharan Africa available HELIX 603864 D8.1 Stakeholder needs report
D7.1 Overview of existing observed climate and impacts data for Europe, example extreme events, and adaptation strategies
D7.1 Overview of existing observed climate and impacts data for Europe, example extreme events, and adaptation strategies available HELIX 603864 D7.1
D4.2 Comparison of impact model projections – off line and online
D4.2 Comparison of impact model projections – off line and online available HELIX 603864 D4.2 Comparison of impact model projections – off-line and on-line