Watch our presentation and debate at the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties, COP24, hosted by Poland in December 2018.
What if we miss the target?
Current emissions pathways are taking us above the Paris Agreement goals. We presented the latest science on impacts of climate change at 1.5°C, 2°C and 4°C global warming at the UNFCCC Conference in Katowice, Poland.
HELIX supported the production of the IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C in several important ways. 1. The decision by the IPCC to go ahead with the report With the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) invited the IPCC to provide a Special Report in 2018 on […]
The Conversation featured article: Hothouse Earth: here’s what the science actually does – and doesn’t – say
A new scientific paper proposing a scenario of unstoppable climate change has gone viral, thanks to its evocative description of a “Hothouse Earth”. Richard Betts analyses its content. Much of the media coverage suggests that we face an imminent and unavoidable extreme climate catastrophe. But as a climate scientist who has carried out similar research myself, […]
HELIX members to contribute to all IPCC 6th Assessment Report Working Groups
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has invited more than 700 experts from 90 countries to participate in the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) as Coordinating Lead Authors, Lead Authors and Review Editors. The Report will inform policymakers, international climate negotiators and other stakeholders about the latest knowledge on all aspects of climate change. The bureaux […]
Different degrees of adaptation measures applied in the impact models
Deliverable Report 4.4 by Rachel Warren of the University of East Anglia and HELIX co-authors
Assessment of regional climate change & effectiveness of pattern scaling approaches
Deliverable Report 2.4 by Craig Wallace and Tim Osborn of the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia and Jason Lowe and Ban Bernie of the UK Met Office Hadley Centre.
Climate change could raise food insecurity risk
Our research suggests that weather extremes caused by climate change could raise the risk of food shortages in many countries. We looked at the difference between global warming of 1.5°C and 2°C and found that – despite increased vulnerability to food insecurity in both scenarios – the effects could be worse for most countries at 2°C. […]
Guide with practical exercises to train researchers in the science of climate change communication
Based on their four years of HELIX training workshops around Europe and elsewhere on the practice and theory of the science of climate change communication, the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and Climate Outreach have published this online resource A guide to the science of science communication
Some impacts of Climate Change are already locked-in
Others are not – we have a choice over whether we avoid them or not We are certain to see sea level rise, says Prof. Richard Betts. We already warmed the earth by 1oC relative to preindustrial levels but the full effect has not kicked in yet. It takes a long time for ice on […]
How to make complex graphs more understandable
We provide guidance for researchers on how the accessibility of data visuals can be enhanced while also maintaining scientific rigour. Data visuals support communication of climate change. Yet they can be difficult for diverse stakeholders in society to understand. Our new report provides twelve guidelines for putting our recommendations into practice that draw on cognitive and psychological science evidence […]
High-End Climate Change and the Ganga River Basin
What do 4 C and 6 C worlds look like in comparison to 2 C & 1.5 C? and What are the consequences of different adaptation choices? The core of our HELIX work has looked at the global scale, but there is an additional focus on three key regions of Europe, northern sub-Saharan Africa, and the Indian sub-continent. Ashvin Gossain […]
Food Security and Climate Change in Bangladesh
HELIX members organized a workshop on Food Security and Climate Change, in Dhaka, Bangladesh from 8 to 9 May 2017, aimed at providing a forum for scientists, food security experts, government officials and NGOs to come together and explore the major climate impacts on the availability, accessibility, utilization and stability of food for the people […]
Can we live with a warming planet? Final HELIX meeting, University of Exeter, 04 Oct
Everyone is welcome to join this event at the University of Exeter hosted by the HELIX project on 4 October 2017. Featuring a distinguished panel of project scientists and stakeholders, we invite you to hear about our findings and discuss what they could mean for our future. Our panel features the following expertise: Panel Chair: Dr Astrid Wissenburg, […]
The Conversation featured article: Glastonbury 2070? by HELIX Director, Richard Betts
Glastonbury 2070? How the festival might have to cope with 4℃ of global warming Richard Betts, University of Exeter Glastonbury, Britain’s largest and most famous music festival, is a great symbol of the many faces of the global climate change debate. It’s full of people enjoying life and relying on technology, easily available energy and […]
HELIX Director, Richard Betts, to talk climate change at Glastonbury
At the festival’s Speaker’s Forum, Richard Betts will discuss the science of climate change and take part in panel discussions and interviews with other prominent figures in the climate change debate. “Climate change is a complex topic with some important and fascinating science behind it,” says Professor Betts. “As we continue the debate on what […]
New book. Download High-End Climate Change in Europe
The three EU-funded sister projects on high-end climate change, HELIX, IMPRESSIONS and RISES-AM have drawn upon their wide range of expertise from many disciplines across the natural and social sciences to develop new understanding of the implications and risks of exceeding 20C, adapting to the climate changes. The new book, High-End Climate Change in Europe examines […]
Art engages people with climate change – our film
HELIX sponsored a major climate change communication event to engage the general public, seen by nearly 26k people. Respond: Climate Change was a unique exhibition in October 2017, bringing together four contemporary artists to explore the issue of climate change, in a very public space, at The Forum, during the fiurst Norwich Science Festival The […]
Saiful Islam’s Expectations from the Marrakesh Climate Summit
The Paris Agreement entered into force yesterday, as the minimum required number of countries ratified the Convention. Accounting together for at least an estimated 55% of the total global greenhouse gas emissions. Prof Saiful Islam of the Bangladesh University of Technology writes about his expections of the major follow-up meeting in Marrakesh, starting Monday 7 […]
Engaging children with climate change through Theatre
HELIX is sponsoring two major climate change communication events to engage the general public. On Saturday 22 October at the Norwich Science Festival in the UK is the participatory discovery trail Theatre for families, ‘You’re Getting Warmer‘ Hurry – we don’t have much time! The Three and a Half Degrees Gang are on their way, and […]
The hottest month in history
Under high-end scenarios, our regional temperature increase could be between 3.7°C and 5.7°C, writes Professor Saiful Islam of the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), writing for the Dhaka Tribune with Meraz Mostafa. The hottest month in history
El Niño-driven record CO2 rise led to early passing of 400ppm
The rising concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide has passed a symbolic threshold early due to the fastest annual increase on record The human-caused rise in atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide is being given an extra boost this year by the natural climate phenomena of El Niño, say climate scientists in a paper published in today’s […]
What if we miss the target?
Watch our presentation at the UNFCCC conference.
How can we meet the 1.5°C target and what are the consequences if we don’t?
We invite COP24 attendees to attend our side event How can we meet the 1.5°C target and what are the consequences if we don’t? on Thursday 13 December, 16.00 – 17.30 in Vienna Room, EU Pavilion (Area E). Following our very popular UN side event today on high-end climate change impacts (click here to view the […]
Different degrees of adaptation measures applied in the impact models
Deliverable Report 4.4 by Rachel Warren of the University of East Anglia and HELIX co-authors