Senegal’s HELIX partner, ANACIM, the country’s Met Service (Agence Nationale de l’Aviation Civile et de la Météorologie), has been working with community radio journalists on the difference between weather and climate for the benefit of better communication to farmers and rural communities. A new platform has been established for disseminating weather and climate information through the network of more than 100 Rural Community Radio Stations in Senegal. ANACIM has been capacity building with community radio journalists since 2014, and in this most recent workshop in collaboration with HELIX, PRGTE (Projet de Renforcement de la Gestion des Terres et des Ecosystèmes) and Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Alimentation et l’Agricultutre (FAO), trained 37 station presenters and journalists. This workshop paid specific attention to understanding how different scientific products are developed. The workshops are designed to enable media people, especially those from the URAC network (Union des Radios Associatives et Communautaires du Sénégal), to better relay climate information for the benefit of rural populations in their coverage areas with the local language spoken, as well as help journalist’s establish professional contacts for when they require expertise for a story. Further information about ANACIM