We think science communication is important and so we made it our first Work Package. The communication of our science goes beyond traditional dissemination. We have coproduced our research with key stakeholders to ensure that HELIX research and communication best meets their needs, develops new thinking to better understand our audiences and improve the communication […]
Archives: Working Packages
Custom built for Helix Climate (Atoms and Bits)
Pathways to Specific Warming Levels [WP2]
These new Pathways to Specific Warming Levels (SWLs) inform the experiments of Global and Regional Climate modelling [WP3], Biophysical Impacts [WP4], and Risk Management of Tipping Points [WP9]. Input from our stakeholders has been key to allow us to better understand which regional targets and combinations of targets are of most concern. We have provided clear information […]
High Resolution Timeslices and Regional Downscaling [WP3]
For detailed regional impact assessment over Europe, Africa and Asia, existing data has been supplemented with regional climate simulations. The data has been drawn from existing research, called the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5), and the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX). We expanded the available data with CMIP5 to a larger sample of available simulations and, […]
Global Biophysical Impacts [WP4]
Our analysis addresses the fundamental question of to what degree global mean temperature change is an appropriate indicator for climate change impacts, because biophysical impacts may also be expected to depend on CO2 concentration, changes in precipitation patterns, rate of climate change, and inertia of the biophysical system. Based on projections already generated in a […]
Global Assessment of Socio-Economic Impacts [WP5]
We have provided a set of consistent socioeconomic runs for the 4, 6, 2 and 1.5°C Specific Warming Levels, taking into account the recent Shared Socio-ecosystem Pathways (SSPs) of the Integrated Assessment Modelling Consortium (IAMC). The Shared Socio-ecosystem pathways have a set of five narratives regarding possible futures of the socioeconomic system, depending both on […]
Project Management [WP6]
The objectives of the HELIX Project Management Office have been: To ensure the project objectives are achieved To organise the project as a whole, accomplishing all the administrative and financial tasks, as well as the To maintain all relations and communications with the European Commission (our funding body) To ensure an effective communication structure among the […]
Regional Focus- Europe [WP7]
The focus for our HELIX case-studies have been Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa in the Northern Hemisphere, and North-East Indian sub-continent. These regions represent a variety of scientific challenges and socio-economic situations which allows the global information and understanding, from HELIX research in the global workpackages, to be compared and made useful at regional-scale. The regional focus has also been […]
Regional Focus Sub-Saharan Africa (Northern Hemisphere) [WP8]
Our aim has been to engage closely with stakeholders with interests in the northern hemisphere regions of sub-Saharan Africa to identify their requirements and needs within the perspective of the project to ensure that the outputs address these needs. We have tested and improved climate and impacts modelling against data in the three regions of Africa. We used the regionally […]
Regional Focus South Asia ([WP9]
In Bangladesh, we worked to inform planners in the Ganges and Brahmaputra river basins identify their requirements for the research relevant and ensure that project outputs address these needs. At the Indian Institute of Technology (Delhi) we lead the Ganga River Basin Management Plan and we are experts in regionally appropriate adaptation. We therefore engaged with […]
Risk Management of Tipping Points [WP10]
We have explored how non-linearity in the climate system may interact with non-linearity in the global socio-economic system to potentially produce tipping points in the coupled together climate-socio-economic system. Our emphasis was on characterising the local consequences of climate tipping, including possibilities of adaptation and early-warning. We also analysed the potential link between climate and conflict […]